Fr. Anthony Mpungu
Dear Parishioners,
We are launching the Renewal of Faith for Holy Spirit Golden Jubilee to be celebrated in 2025. Our goal is to draw more people to the faith in Jesus Christ. At the same time, we must have something tangible to celebrate through supporting this campaign intended for the additional capital improvements and various needs of our parish ministries. As we make this journey towards the 50 years of the faith here at Holy Spirit, we are inviting everyone to be part of this wonderful milestone. As the church building and rectory are over 45 years old, there is need for renovations and repairs as well as replacing the aging audio equipment, and enhancing our worship and liturgy with an organ. We are all called upon to be part of this wonderful opportunity to show some love to the parish that means so much to us. It is my humble prayer that we will all participate with exceptional generosity towards the completion of these projects. My profound gratitude for your generosity and support over the years which has been instrumental in the success of the past capital improvement campaigns. I have confidence that you will continue to do the same. I am looking forward to celebrating the Golden Jubilee with the renewed faith in our hearts and in a wonderful place for everyone. God bless you.
New Audio System - Church and Activity Center
Capital Improvements Fundraising
New Organ
New Church signs
Total Estimated Cost $250,000
Rectory roof and other Repair & Maintenance

As we reflect upon the rich history of our parish, it is with tremendous appreciation that we recognize the unwavering dedication, love, and support that has formed the foundation on which we continue to grow together in faith.