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Join a Ministry 

We invite you to participate in the various ministries our parish offers. You can make a meaningful difference in our community and your spiritual journey. Whether you are looking to serve, learn, grow in faith, there is a place for you here. Join us in and creating community together!
Image by Gary Yost

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

The youth of our parish who have received the Sacrament of First Eucharist may assist the priest at the appropriate times throughout the celebration of the Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Members of this important liturgical ministry assists the clergy on an “as needed” basis with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass.  The term “extraordinary” distinguishes such a person from the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, namely priests and deacons. Workshops are provided for confirmed Catholics in good standing.


Practicing Catholics in good standing are trained to proclaim God’s Word during the Mass. 


Members of this ministry greet, welcome, and provide assistance as needed to parishioners and guests at Mass.

Music Ministry

At Holy Spirit, there are a variety of ways in which people may participate in music ministry.  Cantors and instrumentalists assist at weekend Masses.  The choir sings during the 10 AM Sunday Mass from September – June.  

Audio and Livestream Ministry

Technical expertise associated with the use of our sound and video systems is required for this ministry.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children ages 3-7 are encouraged to participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word program offered at the 10 am Mass.  Volunteer catechists and assistants share the Sunday scripture readings at an appropriate age level accompanied by music, stories, and hands-on activities.  Volunteers assist on a rotating schedule once a month.

Mass Coordinators

The primary function of the Mass Coordinator is to carefully prepare all of the liturgical supplies and vessels needed for the Mass and to help ensure that the Mass flows smoothly.

Art and Environment

Members of this creative group assist the Director of Liturgy and Music with the external aspects of the liturgy to enhance the worship experience during Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.

Linen Care

Ministers wash, iron, fold, and rotate altar linens as liturgical seasons change.  They are also responsible for the dry cleaning and proper storage of priest vestments and altar cloths.

Candlestick Care

This ministry involves cleaning and caring for the altar candles and candle holders for Mass and can be accomplished at the convenience of each member as scheduling allows.

Flower and Plant Care

This ministry involves the care of all parish plants and flowers, including those used for seasonal liturgies.

Altar Guild Ministry

This ministry is dedicated to the preparation of the sanctuary and worship space for our liturgies.  It involves dusting the altar and pews and cleaning the windows and doors to help our church shine for our joyous community gathering of worship.  Each cleaning team shares about an hour and a half of time once a month in this ministry.

Image by Katherine Hanlon

Parish Life Ministries

Community Life

Members of our Community Life team coordinate social events and receptions such as parish anniversary celebrations, concert receptions, potluck dinners, the Simbang Gabi reception, picnics, and ice cream socials.  Planning meetings are scheduled prior to each event.

Welcome Desk Ministry

Volunteers welcome new families and visitors and help answer questions after Mass.

Night Managers

This ministry serves an important role in keeping the church building and parishioners safe and secure.  An assigned person each weeknight assumes responsibility for opening and closing the parish, receiving and greeting visitors and parishioners, and is responsible for the safety and security of the facilities and all who are using it during evening hours.  This is scheduled on a rotating basis from Sunday-Thursday from 630pm-9pm.

Safe Environment Team

This group of trained men and women provides assistance for our parish in the areas of medical, fire, and safety emergencies.  

Respect Life

This group is composed of parishioners committed to protecting life through legislative advocacy, education, and informal efforts to foster understanding and concern.

Sisters in Faith

Women ages 18 and over meet on the last Monday of the month for spiritual growth and fellowship.

Sunshine Club

The Sunshine Club is open to all those age 50 and above who want to share in fellowship.  Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 12 noon, September – June.  After the meeting, there is a potluck luncheon, a guest speaker or entertainment, and a 50/50 drawing.  Special luncheons are scheduled for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and there are options for special trips throughout the year.


The name Cursillo is Spanish for “short course” and is associated with a three day weekend of spiritual reflection and growth.  Small communities are utilized as a method of faith formation, holiness, and spiritual support.

Young Vincentians

This junior version of the St. Vincent de Paul Society (ages 11-17), allows its members to grow in holiness as they further their own spirituality and prayer life, create new friendships, and serve those in need.

Christian Ecumenical Network

This group provides information for the parish on ecumenical activities, statements, events, and concerns, and to organize participation in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and other annual ecumenical events.

Image by Trac Vu

Pastoral Ministries

Vocations Ministry

This prayerful ministry helps parishioners discern God’s will in their lives, regardless of the vocation, calling all people to holiness.  We pray for an increase in vocations, including more seminarians, religious men and women in formation, and holier marriages.

Pastoral Care Ministry

This is an outreach to parishioners who are ill, hospitalized, grieving the loss of a loved one, lonely, aging, homebound, or in nursing homes.  Pastoral care is a sharing of one’s time, self, and faith with those who are suffering some kind of brokenness.  Men and women who are interested in pastoral care ministry participate in formation sessions to prepare them for this very important work of the church.  They learn how to minister spiritually to those in need and share the Eucharist with Catholics in good standing who are unable to participate in our Sunday Mass celebrations.

Widows and Widowers Ministry

This group is composed of members of our parish community who have suffered the devastating loss of their beloved spouse.  We offer hope and healing through prayer, group discussions, guest speakers, fellowship, and support.  Our meetings are held at 10 AM on the first Monday of each month.

Funeral Reception Committee

This beautiful ministry provides food and hosts receptions after funeral liturgies, giving families the opportunity to gather together and share time with loved ones and friends.

Image by Anna Hecker

Faith Formation

Christian Formation (Grades K-12)

Our religious education program offers a variety of opportunities for our youth to grow deeper in their Catholic faith.  Volunteer catechists are provided with lesson plans, supplies and a designated space at the church to share our faith with the children.

Prep Parish Formation Page

Vacation Bible School

Summer VBS is a one-week program for rising kindergarteners through 5th graders to learn more about Jesus and our Catholic Faith.  Adult and youth volunteers are needed for the program.

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.)

O.C.I.A. is the formation process that the Catholic Church uses to help members of the community come to share in the full sacramental life of the Catholic faith.


Faith Sharing Groups

Members of our parish come together on a regular basis to pray, study God’s Word, share their faith stories and deepen their understanding of Catholic traditions.

Image by Rémi Walle

Outreach Ministries

Haiti Ministry

We stand in solidarity with the people of Haiti through establishing and maintaining a twinning relationship with Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Saut D’Eau, Haiti; whereby, we share our diversity, exchange visits and produce meaningful fruit and growth in both parish communities.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP)

This outreach ministry provides food, clothing, and financial assistance to the poor and suffering, advocates for social justice, provides opportunities to empower the poor to help themselves and allows for spiritual growth for its members.  Meetings are held at 7pm on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month.  

Prison Ministry

This corporal work of mercy shares God’s love through visits twice a month to the local correctional center to offer support and spiritual guidance to inmates through prayer and scripture sharing in collaboration with correction department guidelines.  Bible study and reading materials are provided and distributed.

Judeo Christian Outreach Center (JCOC)

Volunteers prepare, deliver, and our serve dinner to the homeless and working poor at the Judeo Christian Outreach Center during scheduled Mondays between January and October.  Our Holy Spirit parishioners donate the food items for our volunteers to use in preparing the meals.

1396 Lynnhaven Parkway + Virginia Beach, VA 23453 + 757.468.3600

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9am-4:30pm - Friday 9am-12pm


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